Training in Bihar State Power Generation Company Limited can be classified in two broad categories:
a) Training for their own employee
b) Vocational training for the students from various colleges.
Training program which are for employee/ staff include Induction training, Interactive training and Payment type training. Vocational training is the in-plant training provided to the students of various colleges. These types of training are briefly explained below:
Induction Training
Newly recruited staffs / officers after posting get this type of training. In Induction training, the trainee is newly joined officers/ staff only.
In-plant training
In this type of training, students from different colleges can apply for training. They have to first submit the training letter in which permission is given by their college authority. After submitting the letter, this letter is send to the G.M., BTPS. If he grants permission for the training, the training letter is generated for that student. After completion of the training, certificate is issued for that student by the DGM.
Interactive training
Interactive training is given to the officers/ staffs only. This type of training is given whenever required. For instance, if any new technology is to be adopted and implemented by an organization, training for the same is arranged for the concerned employee.
Payment type training
In payment type of training, a letter is sent by the Chief Engineer or other senior officers from the HQ regarding various types of training program/ workshop. In this training, they ask for the nominee. After this, the letter is sent to the concerned department. Required amount is sanctioned from the Accounts Department after the name of the participants is finalized.